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Showing posts from February, 2019

The Reckless Love of God

For God so Love the world that He gave His only begotten Son; that whosoever believes in Him shouldn’t perish but have everlasting life - John 3:16 I woke up this morning with a strong feeling to write about the Love of God. In my walk with God, one thing I have come to value most which I consider the base of everything is the priceless, extravagant, everlasting and reckless love of God. There is no doubt that God loves me even more than I love myself. That is why when I go through tough times, I reminded myself of the Love of God. I imagine if there is anything else close to the love of God. None I know of. Thank God for my parents (I come from a very loving family, we’re so close). But truth is the love of God is even greater than that of family. God loves me so much which is why Jesus came to died for me, not just died but suffer till death. That sounds like a movie plot, right? But it ain’t a movie plot, it’s real. I have also come to understand that the love

....To Love and Be Loved

Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. - Romans 13:8 It’s a day after Valentine and I wondered aloud if those loved folks are gonna wait till next year before they received another gesture of love? Probably... I want you to have a mental shift about love. Love is not something you showed to people once a year. God loves us every single day, if you gonna enjoy the happiness in love, you gotta love everyday every time.  One of the most important people in our lives are our loved ones; they mean a lot to us and we don’t wait till their birthdays or Val’s day before we showered them with love. Neither do we wait till they are dead and we start writing a sweet eulogy about them. The best time to show love to your loved ones is while they are alive. Your parents, spouse, children etc deserve the best, give them the best, give them now not while they are dead or waiting till it’s one special day. In love, ever

God and Democracy: Is God Democratic?

Democracy is the most favorable system of government. Democracy is the government of the people by the people and for the people. That means people are put into government by people through voting in a democratic system of government.  Question is: Is God a democratic God? Does He favour a democracy? Is democracy the best system of government? This shouldn’t shock believers too much: God is not democratic in nature; though there might be elements of democracy in Him. Of course God is not democratic; if he is, exactly how long is a heavenly term of office? When was the last election? Who gets to decide on the manifesto? Democracy is about people choosing leaders who will work for what we want. Nick Cohen rightly said: All deeply held faith has the capacity to be anti-democratic, because it places the supposed laws of God against the real laws of free men and women. Democracy is man made which is why though the best, it’s still not perfect. Yes there are structures

Hope To Cope

John and Felix had no money; I mean their accounts is  blinking red. Felix uncle promised to send him Fifty thousand Naira before the week runs out, no wonder he was beaming with joy, jumping up and down, greeting everyone in the compound with a smile.  Our brother John had no uncle to give him. In fact he is the one who normally gives them-I mean his brothers and sisters. I wish I could help out, but my project is staring at me. I don't like him wearing a sad look, it is well.  -------------------------------------- From the above scenario, both are broke but different disposition because of what? You got it, because of Hope.  Hope is as essential to your life as air and water,  in short you need HOPE to COPE and real hope can only be found in God.  According to Romans "Romans 15:13 Oh! May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim