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Showing posts from March, 2019

God Needs You Rich!!!

Solomon was wealthy. Joseph was wealthy. David was wealthy. Even Job was wealthy. We need to Unlearn this misconception we have about being Godcentric vs wanting money - that it's one or the other. Eg. "If I dedicate my life to doing God's work, it means I must be comfortable knowing that I won't be as wealthy as I could be if I did other things." Or..."I'm not wealthy because I've decided to do things the right way". . Wanting money does not mean you are selfish, or greedy. Many people have mis-interpreted the bible verse ”For the love of money is a root to all kinds of evil” (1 Timothy 6-10), to mean that money is evil. This verse talking about our attitude towards money. There’s also the verse from Luke 18:23-25 that say, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God. Indeed it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God”. In this verse, Jesus is simply

Marital Talk: For Better or For Worse

For Better or For Worse? A friend of mine asked me to write about the current marital crisis shocking the world. I have always try to avoid the subject of marriage in my writings and discussions. Not really because I don’t know what to write/say or how to write/say. I still don’t want to write on it but I will reluctantly write a few words; Marriage is an institution ordained by God. He created Adam the first man and said it’s not good for him (Adam) to be alone, so He made for Adam a woman (Eve) which Adam called his Helpmeet. That was go the journey of marriage started. Eve was created for Adam as a companionship. Thus the first reason for marriage is Companionship.  It’s a pity that today, most folks marry simply because of procreation. Procreation is never the first reason for marriage. Eve was created as a helpmeet for Adam that was alone. Every man needs a companionship, every man! If your spouse is not your friend, gist partner or companion, then something

Letter to My Daughter 2

Letter To My Daughter 2 Hullo Sweetheart, I’m sure by now, this second letter won’t surprise you as I promised to write you often. I hope you didn’t forget my advice in the first letter: Don’t live your life outside God. This time around, I would be admonishing you on the need for you to be trustworthy and honest. Your integrity matters. As I write this letter, honesty is in short supply in the world. Honesty is fast declining in the world. Folks now believe to be dishonest pays. Ladies now live on dishonesty just to gain quick. Do not be like them. Be honest in all your dealings. Let your yes be yes, your no be no. Even when it’s tough, be honest and open. Be known for transparency.  If you rise to the top in dishonesty, you will surely fall down flat. No one stay high for long in dishonesty. I will tell you a little story in the Bible about a man call Gehazi: He was a servant to his master Elisha. But one day He went after his master’s guest to collect gifts that h

Obedience: Simple But Complex

...Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice...  - 1 Samuel 15:22 Obedience: Simple but Complex Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult for folks to obey simple instruction. God told Adam, do not eat from this tree. It was a simple thing to do (maybe) but he ended up eating it with his wife.  Don’t do this, don’t do that but yet you will still do it. So why do we have a difficulty obeying the simple instruction. If there is anything to learn from the fall of Adam, it was his stupidity in disobeying a simple instruction. He lost virtually everything when he disobey. Life will be easier if everyone could be obedient but I guess we can’t. Disobedience in humans is by default. It takes the mind of Christ in a believer for him/her to live a obedient life pleasing unto God. Why obedience seem to be difficult for us is because we are bent on doing it our way. When you don’t see the reason for obedience, it become very easy to disobey. Disobedience is also diffi

Here I am, Send Me!

‘Who shall I sent? Who will go for us?’ God asked. Isiah answered and said ‘Here I am, send me’. - Isaiah 6:8 One day, some 2500 years ago, a religious man by the name of Isaiah went to church. While he was there he suddenly discovered God’s presence in a most different way. No, This was not the first time he attended the Temple of God. As a matter of fact, he was a frequent visitor there. Right there, Isaiah experience God’s call, invitation and summons  And so we ask: What was the specific purpose God need someone? What did God ask Isaiah to do on that day long ago? The same thing He asks and calls all of His followers to do today and that is “to be His witnesses!” To testify to the truth concerning God to all those around us and to generations that are lost. There is a situation in the land and God needs someone to take the gospel to the lost. Today God is asking the same question of you and me, personally and individually, here and now. Will you respond to God’s